Sunday 15 January 2017

We Keep Turning

Grey skies and deep sighs
the wondering whys
the wide, wet eyes
the little cries
our tucked up thighs
as we rest our heads on our knees
with silent pleas
for a moment of ease
or for time to freeze
or roll away on tumbling seas
when all we need is a brew
or “you”
or something to do
or something new
or a slice of truth
but why have truth when I could have cake
or go out with a mate
and create a new fate
increase my heart rate
it’s because of that fear
that won’t disappear
that at the end of the year
there will be no one to hear
the drop of each little tear
that falls into the great spinning weir

that is your life

that will keep on turning.

Monday 4 April 2016

Pizza in the Park (Written in November 2015)

The ground is wet
from the last onslaught of rain
not really sure
when it will strike again.

We share the bench
sitting three-a-breast
avoiding the pigeons
seems something like a test.

We each hold a small box
with different toppings
as we sit on cold hard wood
among the seagull droppings.

The smell wafts up
amongst the trees
we debate getting more
with twice the amount of cheese.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Wind | An Assignment Piece April 2015

Moulding around the shape of your ears,
Rustling the leaves in their too tall trees,
Brushing your skin like a comforting hand,
it's okay
                you're fine
                                    chin up.
Carrying off your unspoken thoughts,
from your mind
                           through the air
                                                                far away.